Cold Weather Below 28ºF
Any Pressure Washer that flows between 1.2 GPM - 4.0 GPM
Air Compressor with a minimum of 5cfm@90psi
Please select your pressure washer flow rate (GPM) when ordering
The Pro Series Snowmakers are the highest quality home snowmakers we offer. They have been proven over time to be one of the best and most reliable home snowmakers on the market.
The snowmaker body is made from precision machined aluminum and should last a lifetime. Stainless steel snowmaking nozzles ensure they will last for years and not wear out prematurely.
The internal mix design is superior in windy and extremely cold conditions to prevent freeze ups at the nucleation nozzle. The internal automatic nucleation valve handles all of the snowmaker air and water adjustments for you. This gives you a plug and play setup that nearly eliminates the chance for operator error.